Visitors to SIAF were able to see more than 50 different aircraft, which were mainly military aeroplanes from 14 countries. The flying display featured an exciting and vibrant show by historical fighter aircraft, the Red Bull pilots, aerobatic teams and modern fighter aircraft and helicopters.
There was an opportunity for visitors to sit in the cockpits of some of the aircraft and the chance to talk with pilots and take photographs and secure the autographs of the well know pilots.
Positive and good feeling of SIAF 2013 was spreading very fast and it was great bet to come and see. Sounds of engines of beautiful aircraft were making shivers every time when aircraft made its turn and flew in front of visitor among the runway.
Among the more popular attractions were the historical aircraft like the Yak- 3, the P-51D Mustang, the F4U Corsair, the Supermarine Spitfire MkXVI and the Mig-15. Making its debut at SIAF was the unmanned Hermes 450 manufactured by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. One aspect of the event that caught the attention of visitors was the large concentration of former Warsaw Pact fighters including the MiG-29, the Su-22 Fitter, the An-24, the SU-25 Frogfoot and the Su-27 Flanker.
Spanish aerobatic pilot Patrulla Águila put on an amazing display as did extreme pilot Zoltán Veres in his Extra 300 aircraft, Očovskí bačovia and Ceremonial arrival, which was in colours of Slovakia followed by airdrop.
The air display opened with a formation which was a combination of a Slovakian MiG-29, an L-39 Albatros, a Czech Gripen and a L-159 ALCA. The display was created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Czech and Slovak armed forces.
The flying display and aircraft were not only thing to see at SIAF. There was the chance to taste great Slovak traditional food, try and learn how to do the first aid, or see and experience the latest video games in the X-Box hangar. The Slovak military and police forces put on a display of armoured vehicles, weapons and equipment at the show.
In conclusion, SIAF 2013 was a great event with displays of excellent and interesting aircraft. SIAF 2013 was attended by over 100 000 visitors which shows how popular the event has become. On this basis the next SIAF show should be even bigger and better, we have high hopes for the next SIAF!
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