Portal AirlineRatings.com has compiled a list of 2013′s Safest Airlines, ranking 448 airlines using analysis from a number of factors related to audits from aviation’s governing bodies, airline fatality records, and government and organisation audits. Croatia Airlines, together with 137 airlines around the world, earned the maximum seven stars, putting it among the world’s safest carriers.
The Top 10 airlines:
1. Qantas
2. Air New Zealand
3. Emirates
4. Etihad
5. Cathay Pacific
6. Singapore Airlines
7. Virgin Atlantic
8. EVA Air
9. All Nippon Airways
10. Royal Jordanian
World’s Worst:
1. Kam Air (Afghanistan)
2. Scat (Kazahkstan)
3. Bluewing Airlines (Suriname)
4. Daallo Airlines (United Arab Emirates)
Source: Croatia Airlines
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