Russian Helicopters announced that Vladimir Artyakov was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 18 March. Mr Artyakov, who is also first deputy CEO of Rostec, has served as Chairman of the Board of Russian Helicopters since July 2013.
“Russian Helicopters produced good financial and operational results in 2013, strengthening its position as a leading global helicopter manufacturer,” Vladimir Artyakov said. “In 2014 the Company will continue to pursue strategic goals including further increasing global market share, expanding and diversifying its model range, streamlining production and continuing to roll out its global after-sales service offering.”
Oboronprom CEO Dmitry Lelikov was re-elected as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian Helicopters.
A new Board of Directors was elected at an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Russian Helicopters on 27 February. In addition to Vladimir Artyakov and Dmitry Lelikov, the board members are:
Source: Russian Helicopter
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