Kraków Airport to host the region’s largest route development event in 2016

Alicja de Costres – Sobolewska, Account Director, Poland and Baltics, Routes & Airport Cities, UBM Live; Grzegorz Michorek, Commercial Director, Kraków Airport; Marek Sowa, Marshall of the Małopolska Region; Gerard Brown, Head of Future Events, Routes & Airport Cities, UBM Live; Magdalena Sroka, Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow for Culture and City Promotion; Jan Pamuła, President of the Board, Kraków Airport; Leszek Zegzda, President of the Malopolska Tourist Organization; Victoria Jones, Communications Manager, Routes & Airport Cities, UBM Live; Robert Piaskowski, Deputy Director for Programme Planning at the Krakow Festival Office

It was announced during a press conference in Kraków, that Routes Europe will return to Poland in 2016 when the 11th Routes Europe takes place 24-26 April 2016 in Kraków, the historic capital of the Małopolska Region. The event, which is the largest regional Routes event, will be hosted by Kraków Airport and its partners the Małopolska Region, the Municipality of Kraków and Małopolska Tourism Organisation.

Routes Europe is the essential annual gathering for all aviation based companies wishing to conduct business to, from and within the European region. This will be the second time that Routes Europe has taken place in Poland, the first ever Routes Europe welcomed almost 300 delegates when the event took place in Warsaw in 2006, and over 1,200 delegates are expected to attend the event in 2016 including representatives from the region’s leading airlines, airports, tourism authorities and other industry stakeholders.

“Hosting the prestigious Routes Europeconference is beneficial for both the airport and the region,” says Jan Pamuła, President of the Board, Kraków Airport explaining: “We welcome the decision of UBM, because taking on the role of the host is a great honor for us and confirmation that we have adopted the correct strategy. It’s aproof of our strong position in the European market, an opportunity to presentour potential to newairlinesandstrongmarketing support, while for Kraków and the Małopolska Region it is a chance for promotion amongtourism industryopinion leaders. We are deeply convinced that thanks to the experience of UBM Team the conference will be organized at the highest level.”

“We are thrilled to be taking Routes Europe to Kraków and returning to Poland in 2016,” commented Ged Brown, Head of Future Events, Routes for UBM Live continuing: “Kraków Airport’s route network has seen year on year growth with both direct and connecting routes and in 2015 the airport will undergo a restructure which will increase capacity to 8 million annual passengers. Routes Europe 2016 will provide an opportunity to showcase this to the Routes community. Delegates will also experience Kraków and the many historic and cultural attractions it has to offer. Kraków Airport has been attending Routes events for many years and we now look forward to working even more closely with their team to deliver Routes Europe in 2016.”

Source: Krakow Airport

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