Zlin Aircraft became a member of the Association of Aircraft Manufacturers

zlin_aircraftDuring November 2014  ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s. became a regular member of the Association of Aircraft Manufacturers of the Czech Republic (ALV).

The Association currently has 35 members whose activity covers the whole lifecycle of aircraft from development of new prototypes to disposal of EOL machines.  The mission of ALV is to represent, coordinate and promote activities of its members and defend their interests on the domestic and international levels. The activities of ALV focus on a wide spectrum of branches from construction of civil and military aircraft, aircraft engines and weapon systems to manufacture of aggregates, subsets and aircraft components to development of the related  software and cosmic research.  ALV members include both large end suppliers of aircraft and aircraft systems and small specialised enterprises.

We hope that membership in the Association of Aircraft Manufacturers will open doors to new markets and bring us new opportunities for cooperation with establishments of Czech and international aircraft industry.

Source: Zlin Aircraft

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