Sheremetyevo Airport Unveils Further Development Plans

Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow eventually presented its plans for further reconstruction.

In anticipation of the third runway early 2017 there should be a new terminal on the North side totally replacing and exterminating the aging Terminal B. The business jet routiniers would instantly recognize “B” by the roundish satellite on the apron and the General Aviation Center that served as the airport-authority-run FBO up to 2011.

Looks like these familiar Sheremetyevoo landmarks won’t be there any more. The construction is to start early 2015 and to be completed 2017, in time for the 2018 World Cup in Russia. It would entail extensive road network development and a new fast city train terminal that is to function in alternate frequencies to the existing South side.

Up to now the apron adjacent to “B” offers most of the parkings for the two functioning FBOs: Terminal A and Premieravia. It is planned that during construction the apron will be used predominantly by general aviation alleviating the preassures on the new apron in front of Terminal A in peak times.

Aeroflot and its SkyTeam partners should move to this still more modern and stylish facility under the old designator “B” and some alternative airline alliance could be invited to use the existing terminals F, E and D on the South side.

Øåðåìåòüåâî (ïîäðîáíî) engAs it was advising previously these are further plans of airport development that should complement the decisive improvement of the airport’s link to the city this December. A new toll high-way is opening up December 23 and a helicopter charter service to down-town Moscow is to be launched from the helipad adjacent to Terminal A. The better link to the city shall elevate Sheremtyevo back into position of the prime gate-way for Moscow for business jets.

Source: StreamlineOPS

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