With the development of business aviation sector at Riga International airport and the launchof the brand-new FBO RIGA Business Aviation Center, Flight Consulting Group is going tocreate 60 new jobs, said Leonid Gorodnitski, co-owner of Flight Consulting Group.
Flight Consulting Group, a Latvian holding company specializing in services for businessaviation, expects 60 new jobs to be created within three years after the launch of the newstate-of-art FBO RIGA Business Aviation Center at Riga International airport. The companystressed that there were only two employees at the time of company’s foundation in 2000while in 2015 the total staff of the holding and the subsidiaries amounts to 70 top-rankedspecialists.
“Business aviation plays an important role in the economy of Europe – it contributes to theimprovement and strengthening of business relations between the major financial andbusiness centers as well as creates a favorable business environment in every particularregion. If Latvia wants the country’s economy be export-oriented, it is crucially important toestablish a favorable investment environment and create all the conditions for thedevelopment of international business, including quality services in business aviation”, -explained Roman Starkov, co-owner of Flight Consulting Group.
Business aviation allows significant timesaving providing the fastest way to get from point A topoint B. This is crucially important for business owners and senior executives who runbusiness or have business interests in different cities and countries. Business aviation is agood export-oriented product – it is an important revenue stream for an airport, allows creatingnew jobs, attracting investment and contributing to overall business activity in the region.
“Latvia has a favorable geographical location on the crossroads of the East and the West.Just within one hour and a half of flight, one can reach the main Europe’s business centers –Berlin, Stockholm or Moscow. Latvia has strong business relations with the EU and the CIScountries; it has modern infrastructure and professional service companies. Rietumu isspecializing in corporate segment and we see a huge potential of private and businessaviation continuously investing in its development both in Latvia and abroad”, said RenatLokomet, board member of Rietumu.
According to Oxford Economics’ survey one business aviation passenger brings the saverevenue to the state economy as nine business-class passengers. The study shows that 80%of business aviation flights are performed for business purposes.
“If we compare Riga with the closest neighbouring cities, FBO RIGA Business Aviation Centeris our competitive advantage”, said Andris Liepins, chairman of Riga International airport.
“This has been the biggest private investment in Riga airport for the last years that, withoutany doubt, is very important for the economic development of the entire region. Let us recallthat over the past few years the airport has allocated about 94 million Euro to improve theenvironmental protection, increase the capacity of the airport and improve the level of safetyof flights”, added Andris Liepins.
The FBO RIGA Business Aviation Center opened its doors September 8, 2015.
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