Meridian Air Company Audits FlightSafety International Paris Training Centre

In March 2016 specialists of Meridian Air Company conducted an outside audit of FlightSafety International Paris training centre to ensure the training organization complies with both international and Russian aviation legislation and Airline`s internal requirements as well.

The audit scope was cabin crew retyping training for Hawker-750, Challenger-605 and Gulfstream-450 aircraft, emergency initial and recurrent training of flight and cabin crews, first aid training.


A separate issue being audited was how the provider implements Quality Management System and Flight Operations Safety Management System and, how they can be integrated into Airline`s QMS and SMS.

During the audit the Airline`s auditors checked training devices and equipment of Paris training centre, instructor qualification and training, corresponding documentation availability and efficiency of training quality assurance.

Upon results of the audit, the findings are assessed as minor, thus the auditors issue a firm recommendation to the Airline to continue cooperation with Paris training centre.


Source: Meridian Air Company

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