Russian Helicopters Authorizing a Service Center in Iran

Russian Helicopters has conducted a technical examination of the Iranian Helicopter Support and Renewal Company (IHSRC).  The audit has resulted in a certificate for a temporary authorization of IHSRC as the only Mi- series aircraft and components repair enterprise in Iran.

Russian experts carried out technical examination of the Iranian company during July 2016. During the talks between Russian Helicopters representatives and their Iranian colleagues an action plan was developed for reequipping the aircraft repair enterprise – IHSRC and its subsequent authorization as the only comprehensive center for maintenance and overhaul of the Mi-17/171 civilian helicopters in Iran.

“Iran is one of our most important partners in the Middle East.  The authorization of the IHSRC repair facility will enable operators of Russian military helicopters to perform repair work in their region and allow them to provide timely repairs. The development of a comprehensive after-sales service system is one of our main tasks, “- said Russian Helicopters Deputy CEO Igor Chechikov.

IHSRC plant is one of the largest service centers for helicopter repairs and modernization in the Middle East in terms of production capabilities.  At the company’s initiative, a workshop for Iranian customers and operators of Russian helicopters was organized from 23 to 25 August in Tehran.  It was attended by specialists from various Russian Helicopters enterprises including developers, manufacturers and those involved in service and maintenance of helicopters.  During the event, participants visited IHSRC facilities and got acquainted with the enterprise.

Today, the Soviet and Russian-made helicopter fleet in the Middle East consists of more than 500 civilian and military units.  Depending on a helicopter modification, its scheduled maintenance should be done  every 100, 200, 300 and 500 hours, and the overhaul – every 1,500 and 2,000 hours.  The overhaul of these helicopters should be carried out by companies that passed all authorization and certification procedures together with representatives of helicopter design and manufacturing enterprises.

Source: Russian Helicopters

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