CEPA EXPO 2016 is gearing up for the very first Career Day dedicated to helping and encouraging young people to take a look at the career opportunities on offer in the aviation industry. The Careers Day takes place on day 1 of CEPA EXPO, the 18th October in the conference Hall at Vaclav Havel Airport, Prague.
The CEPA Expo Career day will start at noon with delegate registration, at 1pm a series of short presentations will be given on subjects of most importance to young people considering a career in aviation. These include subjects such as:
The purpose of the Careers Day is to encourage young people to mix and network with potential employers and to learn what business aviation has to offer as a career.
This is the seventh year of CEPA EXPO and anticipation is high amongst the organizers that the addition of the careers day will bring a unique aspect to the 3-day conference.
Speaking about the CEPA EXPO Careers Day Roger Whyte advises: “The innovative new Careers Day will bring a new audience to CEPA EXPO 2016. It will provide an excellent opportunity for business aviation companies to show young people the exciting career paths they can take by joining our industry. More importantly the presentations will help young people to see what is required to embark on a successful career, I hope the Careers Day will be of great benefit to young people and aviation companies alike.”
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