ABS Jets Expands to Meet the Growing Demand in Charter Sales

abs jets lenka nahlovskaABS Jets is experiencing a growing demand for its services. It became necessary to expand its charter sales activities and in that way ABS Jets has appointed Lenka Nahlovska to the position of Supervisor of Charter and Brokerage Department.

In her new leadership position at the Charter and Brokerage department, Lenka’s main responsibilities are managing her team to ensure the sale of the spare capacity of the ABS Jets fleet of aircraft and the most appropriate private air transportation according to the client’s expec­tations and demands. She will handle market analysis and statistics, prepare for audits, and report to corporate management.

Lenka recently re-joined the company after her maternity leave. Before that, she was ABS Jets’ Chief Operations Dispatcher. She had originally joined the ABS Jets as Operations Dispatcher in 2004, the year the company was founded. ABS Jets recently celebrated its 10th Anniversary.

“We are pleased to welcome Lenka Nahlovska back as the new leader of our sales team,” says Vladimir Petak, ABS Jets Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board. “Over the years since the formation of the company, Lenka has shown her loyalty and proven her qualities when our fleet increased with at least one new aircraft every year, and also additional services were provided. Her wealth of experience in the area of flight planning operations will now be beneficial when managing the activities of our sales team.”

Lenka Nahlovska graduated with a Master’s degree in Aviation, from the Faculty of Operations and Economics of Transport and Communications at the University of Zilina in Slovakia. Her thesis dealt with research and simulations of processes in air transportation. During her studies she did a 4-month internship at Eurocontrol CRDS -Centre of Research, Development and Simulations in Budapest, Hungary. She fell in love with the world of aviation very soon in her childhood and she always dreamed about the future career in this attractive field with a smell of kerosene. Originally she had planned a career of air traffic controller at Prague international airport. However, during the selection procedure, she received an offer to join ABS Jets as Operations Dispatcher. She accepted and remained faithful to the company ever since. Lenka used to lecture about her practical experiences as an external expert at her alma mater, the University of Zilina. Besides her native languages Slovak and Czech, Lenka is fluent in English and has a working proficiency in German and French.

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