The ABS Jet’s has recorded a significant increase in number of flight planning assignments for customers coming from North America, South America and China. The company has its own Operations Control Center (OCC) which flight planning capacities are extended as the demand is increasing. ABS Jets has signed contracts with several clients coming from China for its OCC services.
“Reviewing last year’s performances and results, 2014 was an excellent year for us with growth in every department. However, our Operation Control Center’s growth is substantial,” says ABS Jets’ Director of Ground Operations Jan Kralik. “The increasing confidence that we are getting from clients coming from the Americas is very encouraging. The contracts that are signed with Chinese clients show that our competences and services are appreciated worldwide.
ABS Jets runs its own and provides flight planning services to operators around the world. The Flight Planning system of ABS Jets supports up to 260 types of aircraft. The experienced and highly qualified dispatchers apply their flight planning expertise to optimize flight efficiency while minimizing costs. The OCC prepares complete flight plans, flight clearances and landing permits, NOTAM briefings, and all necessary documentation. The team is available 24/7 and prepared to respond with rapid assistance, support, and advice. ABS Jets also takes care related arrangements and services such a hotel accommodations and crew transfer.
“Our philosophy is that understanding the pilot’s needs is a key element, we therefore treat every customer and its crew as if they were a member of our own fleet and we give them the same dedication,” explains Michal Pazourek, ABS Jet’s Chief Operations Control Center and Chief Dispatcher. “It is almost like a ‘family friendship’ atmosphere between our flight support team and the clients’ team.” Michal earned the 2013 NBAA ‘Aviation Support Services Safety Award’ for contributing to the safety of business aircraft operations a total of three or more years without an accident involving damage to property or injury to persons.
“We follow a different concept than is usually expected from companies providing flight planning. Our philosophy is based on personal approach, our dispatchers know every client very well and our clients know the team, which makes the communication easy and effective,” says Michal. Our dispatchers know clients and crews, by name and they are always very well briefed about actual flight trips.” Michal worked in a number of operations dispatcher positions in the Czech Republic, Mexico, Turkey and France.
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