Aerodrom Ljubljana Positively Contributed to the Fraport’s Group Result for the Year 2015


Fraport Group has published the consolidated annual report for the year 2015. The fiscal year 2015 was closed successfully, mainly due to a large number of passengers. Group revenue climbed 8.4 percent year-on-year to EUR 2.58 billion (adjusted for IFRIC 12). The Group’s operating profit (EBITDA) increased by 7.4 percent to EUR 848.8 million, while EBIT climbed by 7.8 percent to EUR 520.5 million.

Aerodrom Ljubljana positively contributed to the Fraport’s group result. Our results were for the first time fully consolidated into Group’s overall balance. Passenger numbers in public transport were up 10% at 1,4 million while air cargo tonnage was up 3% at 10,1 thousand tonnes.

Operating income amounted to EUR 34.8 million (EUR 32 million in 2014). Good business performance has led to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of EUR 12.6 million, operating profit (EBIT) of EUR 2.6 million and a net profit of EUR 3.3 million.

Source: Ljubljana Airport


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