On Tuesday June 24 in Toulouse and on Thursday June 26 in Saint Nazaire, Airbus will welcome the third edition of “Carnet de Vol Alternance”, an initiative that aims to match Airbus apprentices with jobs in aviation on completion of their apprentiship.
The job matching days make it possible for some 350 Airbus apprentices to meet nearly 70 companies in aeronautics in a 15-minute interview. Companies include Airbus subcontractors, suppliers and industrial partners to meet and exchange with these apprentices. This year, for the first time, temporary employment agencies, APEC (Managerial Staff Employment Association) and Pôle Emploi (Job Centre) will also be present to help and give their advice.
In 2013, Airbus, Airbus Group and their industrial partners recruited nearly two thirds of these apprentices, with the remainder continuing their studies or entering another sector.
“The companies in our supply chain are confronted with a shortage of trained and qualified profiles. The skills acquired by the Airbus apprentices are transferable and can be adapted to the needs of our partners. As a priority, we want to allow the aeronautical sector to benefit from these applicants who are trained for the key skills needed by our industry. Furthermore, by helping these apprentices we can improve their chances of integration,” explained Marc Jouenne, Head of Human Resources for Airbus in France.
Airbus has also developed Shared Apprenticeship Schemes (PPAs), a training path taken jointly done with Airbus and an extended enterprise. This approach allows companies to welcome Airbus work/study students during their period of training, observe them and to develop their skills with a view to possible recruitment.
In just four years, the number of work/study students welcomed at Airbus has tripled to 1,150 work study students in its French sites in professions ranging from engineering to production, including technical, support and service functions.
The first edition of “Carnet de Vol” was held in Toulouse in June 2012. Airbus was rewarded for this innovative initiative by the Medef (French Employers’ Organisation) and the Midi-Pyrénées Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
During the “Carnet de Vol” event in Toulouse, there will be a GIFAS (French Aerospace Industries Association) backed conference to discuss PPAs and a new initiative called “Référent RH Entreprise Etendue” that offers support and assistance regarding human resource issues for Airbus’ partner companies.
Source: Airbus
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