Airbus launches new version of ACJ319 corporate jet

airbus hqAirbus has launched a new version of its popular corporate jet, the ACJ319, offering customers simplicity, speed and savings in the cabin. Called ACJ319 Elegance, the new version complements today’s fully customisable version.

Airbus corporate jets have always been great at enabling customers to take their lifestyles into the air, because they have the widest and tallest cabins of any business jet”, points out Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers, John Leahy. “Our new ACJ319 Elegance makes it even easier and quicker for customers to realise the cabin of their dreams, by choosing from a wide range of seating and socialising options,” he adds.

Elegance combines today’s ACJ319 airframe with a new cabin that allows customers to choose from a wide range of lounge, office, dining and conference modules, complemented by a bathroom and galley at the front and a bedroom with ensuite bathroom at the rear.

This arrangement simplifies cabin layout by allowing customers to quickly and easily create an arrangement that suits their needs and tastes, helping them to get what they want without having to invest a lot of time and effort. It also makes it easier for customers to upgrade their cabin later, simply by replacing one or more modules with others.

Airbus’ ACJ319 is the most popular version of the company’s corporate jet family, and the introduction of Elegance means that customers will have the freedom to choose between it and today’s fully customisable layout.

Cabin outfitting of the Airbus ACJ319 Elegance will be carried out by the company’s Airbus Corporate Jet Centre (ACJC) subsidiary in Toulouse, which developed the concept, as a turnkey project for customer peace of mind. Customers for today’s fully customisable Airbus ACJ319 will continue to have the freedom to choose from a wide range of cabin-outfitters, including a network of eight Airbus-approved cabin outfitters around the world.

Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of business jets, all derived from the world’s most modern aircraft family, seating from 19 to more than 100 passengers in unequalled comfort and space, with unrivalled freedom of movement. More than 170 Airbus corporate jets have been sold to date, and they are flying on every continent, including Antarctica.

Source: Airbus

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