Some time ago 1913 was a significant year when comparing different data. Now we will try to return to the criteria of 2013 “- said Alexei Iakovets , Director General of LLC “MASTER-AVIA”
The airport “Kiev” works, despite the difficulties
If we talk about the future prospects of the development of the International airport “Kiev” – everything is uneasy. Situation in the country is unstable and disturbing. The situation that has undoubtedly left its mark on the life of the airport. At the same time despite the decrease in the dynamics of passenger growth in the first quarter of 2014 the airport management believes that these difficulties are temporary. The airport “Kiev” will eventually raise its criteria.
Director General of LLC “MASTER-AVIA” Alexei Iakovets:
“… It is not a secret that the aircrafts are very expensive. The average price of one board is estimated at 60-70 million dollars, and each airline owns at average 6-7 aircrafts. The airlines whose aircrafts are based on our territory are very concerned about the overall situation in the country, because during the turmoil their property may be spoiled. Here is an example: if the slightest movement of the Russian army take place in the direction of Kherson, the Airbus 320 will immediately leave Donetsk for Kiev’s or Lvov’s airports. If the intension increases the WizzAir’s aircraft will move to Budapest. For us it means direct losses. But we will stay optimistic and hope for best …”.
The Airline «Aegean Airlines» which is a part of an Old European alliance planned to carry four flights a day in the spring and summer period: Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Heraklion and Athens. However, during the summer navigation only two directions will remain – Heraklion and Rhodes.
The Airport is now forced to cut expenses aimed at its development, about 30%.
Director General of LLC “MASTER-AVIA” Alexei Iakovets:
“Our plans were: to build a complex of hangars, complete a set of ramp-handling group: towbars, ambulifts, deicers – everything for the airport infrastructure. And, of course, to continue servicing the loans on which we are working. But if the financial and political situation until June, July does not change, it will be essential to work in the current rhythm… “.
Almost all airports live without subsidies exclusively on self-sufficiency. Accordingly on those funds that today EU promises Ukraine the airports do not have to hope. In case of a possible de-escalation of the Ukrainian- Russian relations, with proper management and the relative stability in the country, the airport will still be able to return to the criteria of mid-2013 not earlier than in one year.
Director General of LLC “MASTER-AVIA” Alexei Iakovets:
“… the state can invest in the development of the airport, but in such a difficult period which the whole country experiences – it is idle to expect help from anyone. By this, if you are drowning you are on your own. We will work harder and harder … “.
Source: Airport Kiev
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