BAA Training to Extend A320 Cabin Crew Training Availability

810 Cabin-Crew-Instructor-training-big-enGlobal aviation training solutions provider BAA Training announces new capabilities for Airbus A320 cabin crew personnel training. Training academy is ready to provide clients with full package training at one location for Airbus A320 operators.

Adding new facilities and training equipment to the existing ones, BAA Training is able to cover full range of Airbus A320 cabin training such as Cabin Crew Conversion Course, ESET, Fire Fighting and Smoke Procedures, Ditching & Water Survival Procedures, and Door & Slide training all in one location. In addition to that, according to client need academy can run through admission process and provide initial Cabin Crew training

“While aviation market bursts in fears of pilot shortage, other personnel also shouldn’t be forgotten. The need is as big as for professional pilots, since with every new aircraft order – new flight crew is needed. Therefore having the crew trained in one location helps clients to save both time and money on many levels such as documentation procedures, schedules, training arrangements. With the Fire Fighting and Smoke trainer, Door and Slide trainer, pools for Ditching and Water survival training BAA Training is ready to assist at full capacity of cabin crew training. In other words you send us students – and we send you a team of professionals”, comments Inga Cainikoviene, Deputy Head of Training for Cabin Crew Training, at BAA Training.

BAA Training (former Baltic Aviation Academy) headquartered in Vilnius (Lithuania) counts more than 20 years of experience in aviation training business. Starting from the Pilot and Cabin Crew training, today training academy is offering full range of pilot Ab Initio and Type Rating, Cabin Crew, Ground Handling, Helicopter and Drone training solutions.

Source: BAA Training

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