Baltic Aviation Academy Took New Approach on AB Inition Training

16 04 2014_Baltic Aviation Academy Took New Approach on AB Inition TrainingBaltic Aviation Academy, aviation training centre in Central Europe, took a new approach on pilot Ab Initio training. Academy organized a series of different classes for its ATPL Integrated students, helping students to be closer to the industry and get a deeper knowledge of taught topics.

Baltic Aviation Academy’s Ab Initio students have been invited to visit ATC Tower in order to see how communication between aircraft crews and air traffic controllers proceeds in real life. This visit has been arranged for the Radio Communication class taught during theoretical part of the training.

 ‘Being able to be on the ‘other side’ helps students to see the specifics of the aircraft traffic controller work, and get a deeper understanding of the correct radio communication importance in aviation’, comments Agata Pradedovic, Head of Product Development Division, at Baltic Aviation Academy.

In addition to that, ATPL Integrated students had their General Aircraft Knowledge taught at FL Technics hangar where they have been able to examine a real aircraft and learn about its specific parts. Radio Navigation class has been enhanced with the visit to the Full Flight Simulator where students got more practical experience rather than just theoretical knowledge.

‘For us, quality professional pilot training consists not only of delivering students the needed knowledge, but also helping them understand it and most importantly, being able to apply it practically. Sometimes we need to take a different approach, step out of the box, and get into student’s shoes in order help them grasp the concept. Therefore, in order to achieve it, we have taken the different approach in order to prepare the professionals that are highly desirable in a job market’, comments Egle Vaitkeviciute, CEO at Baltic Aviation Academy.

Certified as ATO (Approved Training Organization), Baltic Aviation Academy offers Ab Initio and Type Rating pilot training, Cabin Crew, Ground Handling, instructor and supporting aviation course training solutions. Course completion certificates issued by Baltic Aviation Academy are valid in: European Union countries, Brazil, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Belarus, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Israel.

Source: Baltic Aviation Academy

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