Boeing Receives 2015 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is recognizing Boeing’s leadership in energy conservation and efficiency with an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence award.

Boeing is among 13 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year in the Industrial category for sustained excellence to be honored by the EPA during an awards ceremony on April 20 in Washington, D.C. This is the fifth consecutive year Boeing has been recognized by ENERGY STAR.

“ENERGY STAR’s acknowledgment reflects our employees’ commitment to continuous improvement,” Boeing Chairman and CEO Jim McNerney said. “Just as we seek to improve our workplace and product quality, safety and efficiency every day, we also strive to improve our environmental performance. For example, even as we continue to increase our commercial-airplane production rates, we are holding the line on our energy consumption, and our Renton site is now powered 100 percent by renewable energy. More broadly, we are reaching into global educational communities with an effective conservation curriculum, and we continue to invest in our infrastructure to reduce our overall energy use across the company.”

Boeing’s key 2014 accomplishments include:

  • Improving energy intensity by 1.8 percent over the prior year and a cumulative improvement of 32 percent since 2009.
  • Participating in the ENERGY STAR Community World Tour by developing and teaching an energy curriculum to 650 middle school students.
  • Making energy infrastructure investments to reduce energy use, including the largest single lighting retrofit of more than 5,100 fixtures.
  • Contributing funding to 13 community conservation projects around the world such as training at-risk youth for energy conservation jobs.
  • Leveraging the company’s Partner of the Year and EPA Climate Leadership Award recognition to share Boeing’s energy conservation message at numerous conferences and with key industrial and governmental bodies.

Through its sustained participation with ENERGY STAR, Boeing is helping Americans save money, save energy, and is doing its part to reduce our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “I applaud Boeing for earning EPA’s highest ENERGY STAR award, the 2015 Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award, demonstrating a strong commitment to energy efficiency and to preserving a healthy planet for future generations.”

Award winners are selected from the 757 industrial partners that participate in the ENERGY STAR program.

Source: Boeing

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