Boeing Releases 2016 Environmental Report

Each day, 30,000 Boeing employees help clear the air by forgoing solo driving and choosing a cleaner commuting option, as new Boeing jetliners reduce emissions by more than 20 percent, and cleaner company operations use less water and power and send less waste to landfills.

Boeing’s progress in reducing its environmental footprint and helping build a more sustainable future for the aerospace industry are highlighted in the company’s 2016 Environment Report, released on 3 June.

As we enter our second century of business, we recognize that strong environmental performance is necessary to ensuring a healthy planet and our long-term business success,” said Ursula English, vice president of Environment, Health & Safety. “We’re making good progress, even as Boeing delivers record numbers of aircraft and builds new facilities to support strong business growth.

The 2016 Environment Report highlights include:

  • Boeing operations reduced green-house gas emissions, solid waste to landfill, water intake and hazardous waste generation by between 6 and 11 percent in 2015
  • Twenty percent of Boeing’s workforce—30,000 employees—choose alternative commuting methods, reducing vehicle emissions
  • The 787 Dreamliner family improved fuel efficiency and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 20 to 25 percent compared to airplanes they replace
  • The 737 MAX will generate a 40 percent smaller noise footprint over today’s single-aisle airplanes
  • The ecoDemonstrator Program has tested more than 50 innovative technologies designed to improve the efficiency and performance of Boeing product

Source: Boeing

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