CEPA to cover market impact of Eastern Ukraine unrest at 2014 EXPO

Dagmar Grossmann and Roger Whyte

Dagmar Grossmann and Roger Whyte

CEPA (Central European Private Aviation) has announced that the impact on the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) market, of the recent unrest in the Ukraine, will be a focus of its 2014 EXPO to be held in Prague on 19th and 20th November.

The CEPA EXPO, being held for the first time at the prestigious Prague Castle, published its full programme on opening registration for attendance this week. As the unrest in Eastern Ukraine has unfolded and its effects felt across the whole of Europe, the EXPO team has, as usual, been ensuring that the topics covered at the event will reflect the real concerns of the aviation community doing business in the CEE.

CEPA Chairman, Roger Whyte commented “This year, as with every year, there is a packed and relevant programme planned for delegates of CEPA EXPO. There will be a full assessment of the CEE market by experts and a dedicated session on the business implications of the Russian and Ukrainian situation.” Mr Whyte added, “The ramifications of the unrest reach far and wide so we will have bankers, lawyers, OEMs and operators represented who will be able to give up-to-minute information on developments within their business areas”.

CEPA Founder, Dagmar Grossmann added “We have previously reported statistics on the growing wealth within the Ukraine and the impact of Russia on the CEE aviation market, so it is important we discuss what effects recent events are having on this. It is the role of CEPA and the EXPO to continue to help organisations understand current conditions as well as how to navigate within them. Taking advantage of our local knowledge the CEPA Team can help companies to work through difficulties they may be facing doing business in the region.”

In brief the CEPA EXPO programme will include:

  • Russia and Ukraine – Implications for business
  • Current issues in CRM & latest safety solutions
  • Regulatory and legal developments
  • Operating cost control & fleet upgrading
  • Advancements in electronic cockpit devices
  • Maintenance planning for aging aircraft

The full programme and registration details can be found at www.cepaexpo.com

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