After another conference day of interesting panel discussions and delegate networking between sessions, it is my honest and objective conclusion that this was a highclass aviation industry symposium. I was a speaker myself at the first CEPA EXPO conference four years ago when it was a relatively small conference but a beginning with the right intentions and objectives to create a new platform to bridge the experiences and differences between East and West. I see a significant positive difference that was accomplished by a full effort and by introducing new conference features like the ‘Cepenger’ message system for interaction between panel and audience. CEPA EXPO has become an event of significance not just for Central and Eastern Europe but far beyond the region. After all, business aviation is a global industry and any region and part of the world is involved to find ways to offer unsurpassed services to its clientele. Often rules and regulations that differ in the various countries as well as the layers of bureaucracy create hurdles that no one likes, yet, the industry professionals have to find solutions for them. A wayout can be found by interaction between experts from all areas of the trade and for this interaction it is important to gather in one central location. CEPAEXPO may be considered an optimal stage for manufacturers, operators, brokers,legal experts, and also airports,
FBO and other service providers.
After yesterday’s last panel meeting I had an opportunity to sit down with Dagmar Grossmann the Founder of the CEPA association and initiator of the CEPA-EXPO conference. We picked out a quiet area of the Congress foyer with the skyline of historic Prague as a backdrop. Dagmar looked relieved after another successful day and so my first question came automatically:
“Dagmar, how did it go? Are things coming along as you had envisioned after all the preparations?”
“You, know. I have a heart for the industry. My aim is to help the industry and someone just needs to take the initiative. CEPA-EXPO is one way to bring the finest professionals together and provide them with the opportunity to communicate with each other. I’m inviting the most qualified people. Some of them I know personally and know their background, experience and their competences. I also invite companies to send
their key delegates to represent their interests and explain their corporate view points or values. I try to accommodate this platform by providing the optimal environment for conferencing.
My professional life was all about service to people who are using an aircraft for efficient and comfortable travel. I have seen the business and industry from all sides. I always had very close contact with customers and owners. I have had direct conversations. I understand their needs on the one side but on the other side I also understand what the industry can offer to them as well what needs to be done more and better.
I grew up in Austria which is actually Central Europe and I have seen and experienced results of the political changes and the new opportunities for the region. I established Grossmann Jet Service in Prague and worked hard to do the right things and create professional charter and aircraft management operation. That is me, and what I’m all about.”
Listening to reactions by the various delegates at the conference, CEPAEXPO is considered a must-attend event and should be pencilled in next year’s calendar of conference participations.
Cdr. Bud Slabbaert
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