Chopin Airport the First to Launch New Life Saving System

Chopin Airport as the first public building in Poland and the third in Europe has implemented a comprehensive PAED system that allows saving lives in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. The airport has launched a training program for its employees, so they know how to provide first aid in such cases.

Automatic defibrillators appeared at Chopin Airport in 2009. “Currently we are the only public place in Poland and the third one in Europe, where it a comprehensive and integrated system to save lives in cases of sudden cardiac arrest has been implemented” – said Ryszard Stykowski, an instructor of the Central Training Centre Airport Services, the originator and creator of the system.

The system functioning at the airport consists of four components: 49 ready-to-use defibrillators deployed in the terminal and other facilities of the airport, two rescue teams ready for operation around the clock, automatic notification system about the event and a training program for all the employees of the airport.

Sudden cardiac arrest and cessation of blood circulation is the most common cause of death of people around the world. Using a defibrillator and CPR is the only solution in such situations. But the success of the rescue depends on time. It must be taken as soon as possible” says Bartosz Ruszkowski, head of the Airport Medical Service.
chopin airport Aviation Times

The person whose heart stops beating, is weakening, falls to the ground and turns blue. His body is covered with cold sweat, he may also have trouble breathing. Rescue in this case should be taken by each witness of the event. There is no need to be specially trained and one does not need to know exactly what to do. Just take off the wall AED defibrillator and follow the voice instructions issued by the device itself.

Removing any of the defibrillators from the cabinet automatically triggers an alarm in an airport clinic, where the doctors and paramedics are on duty around the clock. The system indicates the location of the event and estimated time of arrival. Rescue team is able to reach any place in the terminal in a few minutes. After reaching the place they take over the rescue procedures.

It is very important to not be afraid to begin the rescue before the arrival of rescuers. In the case of sudden cardiac arrest every second counts. That is why we have launched a comprehensive training programme for employees of the airport, so each of them knows how to behave in such a situation. We encourage also all incidental passengers and bystanders to act fast and use the defibrillators. It is not hard”  encourages Ryszard Stykowski.

Every day from 25 to 50 thousand passengers are handled at Warsaw Chopin Airport and several thousand people accompany and wait for the passengers. Airport Medical Service intervenes several times a day, but most of these are harmless cases of sprains, fainting, etc. Since installing the airport AEDs five cases of their use in the event of sudden cardiac arrest were recorded. All those in need of help were rescued.

Source: Chopin Airport

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