Contract signed between Fraport and a consortium of owners of Aerodrom Ljubljana

After having successfully concluded negotiations between Slovenian Sovereign Holding and Fraport AG from Germany , Slovenian Sovereign Holding, on its own behalf and for the account of the Republic of Slovenia, together with other members of the consortium of sellers, signed a contract on the sale of 2,868,116 (75.5%) shares of Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d.. This signing of a contract between a consortium of vendors and Fraport represents an important milestone in the development of Aerodrom Ljubljana, d. d. and air transport in Slovenia.

Aerodrom could be proudly placed among excellent and successful Slovenian companies, as evidenced by the interest of bidders in the sales process and by the final price paid by Fraport, ie. € 61.75 per share. In times of demanding economic situation, traffic growth and good operating results were recorded. The new owner is taking over the company in excellent financial shape. Since the beginning of the sales process the management board have been emphasizing that Aerodrom Ljubljana would need strategic owner, one of larger airport operators with power and willing for the development of passenger and cargo traffic, commercial activities and associated infrastructure. We believe Fraport will be developing Ljubljana airport in accordance with outlined development plans or even better and will continue modernizing, increasing it’s competitiveness, connectivity and mobility of the population. In this manner Ljubljana Airport will consolidate its role in the region and promote regional economic development. Following the statements of the CEO of Fraport, dr. Stefan Schulte at today’s press conference after signing the contract, Fraport sees large development potential in Aerodrom Ljubljana in the field of passenger and cargo traffic. He added they are not interested in short-term benefits but in long-term cooperation.


In addition to Slovenian Sovereign Holding, the contract on the sale of shares of Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d., was also signed by the following sellers: Kapitalska družba, d.d., Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., KD Skladi, družba za upravljanje, d.o.o., AlpenInvest, družba za upravljanje investicijskih skladov, d.o.o., Modra Zavarovalnica, d.d., and Abanka Vipa, d.d.. When the transfer of shares is completed, Fraport intends to publish a takeover bid for the takeover of the remaining shares, in accordance with the Takeover Act.

The structured sale process was run and coordinated by Slovenian Sovereign Holding, in cooperation with KPMG as a financial adviser and with Schoenherr as a legal adviser. The entire sale process was carried out in two phases, and a contact was established with a wide collection of investors from all over the world. The sale process was carried out in a transparent manner, providing an equal treatment to all investors who participated in the sale process, and in line with the international practice in this field.

Fraport AG is the owner and the manager of airports all over the world, managing 10 airports as of today. The company’s airport in Frankfurt is one of the main airports globally, both in terms of passenger volume as well as cargo volume. In 2013, 58 million passengers were recorded, while the entire Fraport Group generated EUR 2.56 billion in revenue and EUR 236 of net profit.  As of 31 December 2013, the market capitalisation of the company amounted to around EUR 5.0 billion. Since 2001, Fraport is stock listed and its largest institutional owners are the State of Hesse and Stadwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH.

Source: Aerodrom Ljubljana

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