CS SOFT Tests a New ADS-B Receiver

The New ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) receiver will be tested at CS SOFT in June and beginning of August and afterwards sent to our partner, Systems Atlanta, for subsequent testing in the U.S. After successful completion of the tests, the receiver will be installed at the Pittsburgh Airport in September 2014.

ADS-B is a technology designed to monitor the position of aircrafts. Aircrafts determine its own position via satellite navigation and automatically broadcast it by itself. This information can be received either by an air traffic control or by other aircrafts; thus the technology enables significant improvement of situational awareness in the air.

ADS-B is part of the U.S. Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and Single European Sky (SESAR) project. ADS-B technology is currently mandatory in some parts of Australian airspace. It is required that some aircrafts must be equipped with this technology in the U.S. by 2020 and in Europe by 2017.

Source: CS SOFT


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