Deputy Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland visit to PZL-Świdnik

2do-internetuPZL-Świdn hosted a visit on 5th May from a delegation of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, leaded by Mr Jerzy Wenderlich, the Deputy Marshal of the Sejm. The aim of the visit was to provide the guests with a comprehensive overview of the Company and the positive developments taking place in PZL-Świdnik since its acquisition by AgustaWestland in 2010.

The visit commenced with the guests meeting PZL-Świdnik’s management team and seeing a presentation of the Company’s product range, as well as its design and production capabilities. The Świdnik plant’s involvement in the development of AW state-of-the-art aviation technology and the benefits it can generate for Poland and the Lublin region were also highlighted.
Nicola Bianco, Managing Director, PZL-Świdnik said, “We are delighted that the Deputy Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland visited us today to get the first hand insight into PZL-Świdnik’s production and design capabilities as well as aeronautical expertise of our engineers.”
“As the only Polish producer of own-designed helicopters, with the capability to autonomously design, develop, produce and support these machines, PZL-Świdnik is able to deliver modern aviation solutions, strengthening the Polish aviation sector and the country’s position in the global aerospace market.”, added Mieczysław Majewski, President of the PZL-Świdnik’s Management Board, when discussing the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aerospace Technologies, the latest joint initiative of PZL-Świdnik, the Lublin City Hall and the Lublin Region Marshal’s Office.
Jerzy Wenderlich, the Deputy Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, commented on the visit to PZL-Świdnik, “It is a great satisfaction to see this part of Poland, where big successes are achieved, and the reasons for failures are not used to justify them. It is also a tremendous thing that a company with a long and good history, respecting its achievements so far, is capable of building new ones and succeeding. PZL-Świdnik is a European company, a good trademark of our country.”
During the visit, the guests also took a tour of PZL-Świdnik’s facilities, including the helicopter final assembly line, the modern composite shop, the modernized R&D facilities and the helicopter flight line.

Source: PZL Swidnik

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