The Economic Impact of Business Aviation in Europe

The European Business Aviation Association commissioned a study to determine the impact of business aviation in Europe. The study found that business aviation in Europe has a €98 billion economic output. This is one of the few times a study like this has been conducted to see how much business aviation affects the overall economy. Aviation studies are usually solely focused on the end user of aircraft, and what is very often forgotten is that the industry creates a large amount of jobs that are a huge benefit to a country’s economy. The study found that the industry accounts for 371,000 jobs and €21 billion is spent on wages and salaries which is a significant number.

Business aviation has come under attack with the ‘war on wealth’ that has occurred around the world in the last 5 or 6 years. Attacking business aviation does not hurt users; it hurts those that work in this industry those that service aircraft, clean and fuel jets, insure and advise on them. These are the people who suffer when political rhetoric turns on the owners and users of private jets. Business aviation might not be a mainstream industry, but it is one that is beneficial to the overall economic health of our countries.

The study is available online at EBAA.

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