Extraordinary restrictions on liquids at Moscow’s airports

liquid_containersFrom 7 January to 21 March, a ban on transporting liquids in hand luggage will apply to flights departing from airports in the Russian Federation.

The ban pertains to all liquids, irrespective of the size of the pack (container, tube etc), including packs under 100 ml (for example, cosmetics for personal use, hygiene products etc.

If a flight is begun at an airport in Russia or if there is a change of planes for a connecting flight at an airport in Russia, all liquids must be placed in luggage that is checked in.

The announcement by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation states that the ban is being introduced in order to ensure maximum security at the 22nd Winter Olympic and 11th Paralympic Games in Sochi. It is expected that the ban will be lifted after the Winter Games, that is, on 21 March.

In an exception, medications and special dietetic and baby food may be transported in hand luggage. All liquids must undergo mandatory checks. The new rule does not pertain to those goods purchased at duty-free shops in the security restricted area.

Source: Talinn Airport

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