Holding Company Flight Consulting Group will traditionally sponsor the Baltic Business Aviation Forum which will take place on August 6-7, in Jurmala.
The forum is organized for the fourth time and is supported by its loyal sponsor. The event will include a business program consisting of a conference and a visit to Riga International Airport.
Under the conference Flight Consulting Group representatives will speak about the latest project of the company, a new complex FBO RIGA, which opening will take place in the closest time.
Anna Serejkina, RUBAA Executive Director, is sure, that the upcoming event will have as much success as all the previous ones. “Due to long term partnership, like one with Flight Consulting Group who supports the event, it is possible to organize such meetings of this level. It is a pleasure to see, that business aviation market players have an interest for communication and we are pleased to provide such a possibility”.
“The Baltic Forum for us is an important event, especially this year when we have what to tell and what to show and we are glad to support it. The Baltic Business Aviation Forum for us is a solid platform for developing contacts and business promotion. Right here we can present our infrastructure “on place”. We look forward to seeing you in Jurmala!”, says Leonid Gorodnitsky, Flight Consulting Group co-owner.
“We highly value our long term collaboration with RUBAA. This year is special for Flight Consulting Group Holding due to opening of a new complex FBO RIGA and a new, stae-of-the-art dispatching center FCG OPS. It took 3 years to project and construct it and we will be happy to show the results of our work. And of course to listen to interesting presentations, take part in professional discussions, enjoy some informal communication with business aviation leading managers”, adds Roman Starkov, Flight Consulting Group co-owner.
Flight Consulting Group has 15 years of experience in the business aviation area and provides comprehensive solutions for flight support, business jet ground handling, organizing private charters, buying and selling aircraft, and aviation consulting. Special attention is paid to the quality of services, customers’ wishes and needs are of top priority!
Source: RUBAA
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