Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. has demonstrated its continued commitment to the Asia-Pacific region with an increased focus on product support, customer service options and sales. The company brought its full fleet – the Gulfstream G650, G550, G450, G280 and G150 – to the 2014 Singapore Airshow, underscoring that commitment.
“Gulfstream aircraft represent the largest share of the large-cabin aircraft market in the Asia-Pacific region with nearly 50 percent of all customers choosing our aircraft,” said Scott Neal, senior vice president, Worldwide Sales and Marketing, Gulfstream. “In Singapore alone, Gulfstream has 72 percent of the large-cabin market, a clear indication of how well our aircraft support customer requirements. We continue to focus on the growing Gulfstream fleet and increasing the service options available to operators stationed in and passing through Asia.”
Gulfstream’s in-service fleet in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole more than tripled between 2008 and 2013, from 74 aircraft to more than 230. Nearly 80 of those are located in the area that includes Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand, providing a robust base for additional growth.
“Gulfstream has had a strong presence in Asia since 1988,” said Roger Sperry, regional senior vice president, International Sales, Asia Pacific, Gulfstream. “That’s when we opened our Singapore sales office, Gulfstream’s first such office in all of Asia. Our commitment to this market continues, as evidenced by our move to a new, more centrally located Singapore sales office and the expansion of our product support resources.”
Gulfstream has a considerable service presence in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to Gulfstream Beijing, one of the company’s three international service centers, two facilities – Jet Aviation Singapore and Jet Aviation Hong Kong – are Gulfstream factory-authorized service centers. Other company-authorized warranty facilities include Metrojet in Hong Kong; ExecuJet in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia; JAMCO in Sendai, Japan; and Air Works in Mumbai, India. Metrojet and Jet Aviation Hong Kong have U.S. Federal Aviation Administration approval to perform base and line maintenance on Gulfstream’s flagship aircraft, the ultra-long-range, ultra-large-cabin G650.
Later this year, Jet Aviation Singapore is expected to open a new maintenance hangar alongside its current maintenance and FBO operation at Seletar Airport. The new hangar will encompass 97,500 square feet/7,500 square meters, tripling the size of the current hangar. The expanded facility will also add more office, shop and ramp space.
“The expansion of product support capabilities in Singapore will allow us to meet increased demand in the region,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream Product Support. “The larger Jet Aviation facility will be able to accommodate up to five more G650s, which will give our operators in Asia more accessibility to our parts and services.”
Gulfstream has $3.5 million in parts and materials at its Beijing service center and nearly $54 million in parts and services based at Jet Aviation Singapore and Metrojet. The prime location of Metrojet’s new parts distribution center – the Airport Freight Forwarding Center at Hong Kong International Airport – enables much quicker order and delivery process time. The warehouse is also much larger than Metrojet’s previous storage facility.
Source: Gulfstream
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