Innovative Marketing In The Conservative Aviation Industry

For quite some time now aviation hasn’t left the list of top 50 most technologically advanced sectors (acc. to Brookings Institution). However, the majority of aviation companies (with only a few obvious exceptions) still fall vastly behind most IT companies in terms of progress in the areas of brand image and attractiveness. Trying to break the bewitched cycle are the aviation personnel resourcing specialists, who seem to have found the right password to more effective IT as well as marketing tools. And their efforts are already bearing results.

Aviation professionals are hard to find. And when we say hard, it’s like a hundred-to-one. Over a million of pilots and technicians will be needed over the following two decades, let alone CEOs, median level managers and other specialists. Despite numerous talks, little has been actually done to combat this crisis. Aviation companies fall short of the top 20 Hottest Places to Work in 2016 – the list formed by Glassdor according to employee morale, career opportunities and, most importantly, the companies’ communication. In other words, most airlines have clearly failed to convey the clear reasons why professionals should even want to work in aviation.

Nevertheless, some industry names realize the importance of marketing and try to implement it thoroughly in order to achieve the maximum result. is one of them. According to company representatives, they devote much effort towards tackling the crisis by finding reliable and certified professionals and the tools that the company employs distinguish it from its competitors. “In addition to our experienced HR team, we concentrate highly on brand image as well as our marketing strategy. Multifunctional website, its mobile version and other tools have allowed us to be visible and attract over 100 000 certified professionals to our database in just a few years,” comments Skaiste Knyzaite, CEO of


It comes to no surprise that the company places a strong focus on mobile communication. According to eMarketer, mobile digital media time (51%) has now overtaken desktop (42%) and companies not optimized for mobile are at an obvious disadvantage. In addition to mobile, marketing is experiencing another major shift as companies jump from textual content to video content marketing.

Keeping in mind that 79% of all internet traffic will come in the form of video content by 2018 (according to MarketingProfs), product videos, live streaming as well as testimonial videos play a significant role in marketing strategies. Testimonials hold exceptionally great value with customers and when we talk about the trust-based industry, it becomes priceless, explains the executive.

“Pilots in particular are globetrotters who work in numerous countries throughout their careers. Prior to making the decision about the next destination they dig deep to understand the culture, life and work conditions in which they are planning to immerse. We provide them with on-ground, real life footage and interviews with the current employees to get the most comprehensive view of the job,” explains Skaiste Knyzaite, CEO of

The fact that the industry is ranked amongst the most advanced is no excuse to stop improving and moving forwards, states the CEO, and says that the formula for success is rather simple. “Every business starts with an idea and that idea develops over the years of existence. As innovative approach and the courage to be a pioneer is valued amongst customers and partners even in the most conservative industries. Add that to an extensive experience in the field and we have ourselves a proper formula for tackling even the toughest issues in the segment,” concludes the executive.

Source: AviationCV

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