Jet Aviation recently hosted its annual Roundtable assembly of select customers and industry members in Vienna. Nearly 200 business aviation executives, including more than 30 different operators, attended the popular invitation-only event.
As the industry’s only private gathering of its kind in Europe, the Jet Aviation Vienna Roundtable attracts more guests from the Austrian business aviation community each year. To accommodate the growing numbers, the event was held in The Casemates, part of Vienna’s underground fortification system dating back to the 16th century, at the infamous Palais Coburg Hotel in the heart of Vienna. A record 200 business aviation executives, including more than 30 different operators, attended the networking event.
“Our goal is provide benefit to our clients wherever possible,” said Jet Aviation Group president Rob Smith. “The Vienna Roundtable offers industry members an excellent opportunity to casually meet, exchange ideas and discuss business, and it is clearly valued by the community. Based on the current trend, it seems we can look forward to continuing the Vienna Roundtable tradition for years to come.”
Source: Jet Aviation
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