The Last Call for Award Nominations and introduction of the Advisory Board

SP2016_FB_Post_Richard-Mumford_board-memberThe organizers of the Sapphire Pegasus Awards have announced that due to exceptional demand the deadline for nominations has been extended by one week. The closing deadline will be Monday 13th March, this allows more time for companies to send in their nominations for all categories.

The nomination procedure for the Sapphire Pegasus Award is completely open; anyone can nominate a company or individual of which they feel that recognition and honoring is appropriate. Companies or individuals are allowed to nominate themselves; after all, a panel of impartial judges will determine which contender represents the most outstanding performance in a category. The categories for the Sapphire Pegasus Awards have been created to recognise many sectors of the Business Aviation industry and reward business excellence. The categories are for companies and individuals, each category highlights outstanding performance in a different sector. Nominees can be awarded in following categories:

I. Business Jet Operator
II. Broker – Aircraft Broker, Charter Broker etc
III. Handler/ Service Provider/FBO
IV. Business Aviation Airport
V. Outstanding Business Aviation Performance in Russia
VI. Innovation in Business Aviation
VII. Charity/Relief Effort
VIII. Outstanding Integration of “Social Media”
IX. Business Aviation Journalist/Topic Coverage
X. Lifetime Achievement
XI. Woman in Aviation
XII. Young Talent/Start Up

The Advisory Board that will independently review the nominations is comprised of a team of distinguished industry professionals and journalists:

  • Antonia Lukacinova, Sapphire Pegasus founder and CEO of Media Tribune, Prague
  • Fabio Gamba, CEO of EBAA, Brussels
  • Richard Mumford, Chairman of BACA
  • Anna Serejkina, Executive Director and Board Member of RUBAA, Moscow
  • Peter Bradfield, Principal of Aerospace Media Dinner, Aviation Media Consultant
  • Liz Moscrop, Aviation Journalist and Editor, London
  • Cdr. Bud Slabbaert, Aviation Development Consultant and Editor, Caribbean
  • Dagmar Grossmann, CEO of G-Jet, CEPA and CEPA EXPO, Prague

This panel of judges will have the final word on the selection of the award winners.

The organiser of the Sapphire Pegasus Awards, Antonia Lukacinova advises “With an extension of the nominations deadline I am certain that we will have an unprecedented level of nominations. We have received many calls and messages asking for the extension in order that companies can prepare detailed nominations, outlining the important reasons why they should be considered for an Award. This is most helpful for the judges as it makes their job much simpler if they review thoughtful, detailed nominations.”

Speaking about the Sapphire Pegasus Awards BACA Chairman Richard Mumford said “I am delighted that BACA has the opportunity to become involved in the Sapphire Pegasus Awards. BACA supports the Awards and encourages our members to participate in the nominations and voting procedures. I see this as a wonderful opportunity for BACA members to raise their profile in Central and Eastern Europe and for brokers, operators and support services from the region to get to know more about BACA. I look forward to seeing BACA members’ companies strongly represented in the shortlist of Award finalists and ultimately being present at the Awards ceremony on 28th April.”

The Award winners will be announced and honored during the Sapphire Pegasus Gala Dinner on April 28th, 2017 at the Boscolo Luxury Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic. A complete set of Award categories and details of the nominations procedure can be seen at

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