Major organizational changes in Comlux America

Comlux The Aviation Group announced several major organizational changes in Comlux America, both on operational and commercial sides.

David Edinger is appointed Executive Vice President of Comlux Management and also Board Member of the Comlux Group. David Edinger had initially joined Comlux in 2008 as the CEO of Comlux America, the completion and services center of Comlux in Indianapolis, USA. During 5 years, David has led his team to the highest level of quality and innovation in the industry and has fully managed the construction of a brand new hangar, the only one in the world built especially for VIP interior completions.

Jim Soleo is now taking over David’s duties and is promoted to Chief Executive Officer of Comlux America. Jim Soleo has over 35 years’ experience within the aviation industry, with multiple years of experience at the Executive Level and as a former Partner in Ownership of a completion center in Savannah, GA. He joined Comlux America in 2012 to run the Services division as Vice President of Operations. Jim has managed to develop the division, obtaining several key approvals from manufacturers, and achieving prestigious maintenance and cabin upgrade works for prestigious customers such as Boeing Executive Flight Operations and the Government of Malaysia.

Under the guidance of Jim Soleo, the operational side will be supported by Scott Meyer, appointed Chief Operating Officer, and on the commercial side by Rob Tomenendal, appointed Vice President of Sales. Both Scott and Rob have been in the VIP Completion industry for more than 20 years.
Scott Meyer has been working for Comlux since 2008, holding successively the positions of Director of Engineering and VP Operations of the Completion division. Thanks to his skills and experience, the engineering team of Comlux has positioned itself as an innovator in the industry, achieving record reductions in cabin noise and cabin weight.
Rob Tomenendal has held several positions as Director of Sales in the VIP cabin interiors industry. He has an excellent knowledge of the business aviation market and he has already sold a very large number of narrow body and wide body completions.

“I would like to thank David for his exceptional performance during the last 5 years. Without him, Comlux America would not be what it is today.” says Richard Gaona, President and CEO of the Comlux Group. “I am convinced that Jim, supported by Scott and Rob, will continue to develop Comlux America and reach our objective to become the best center of Excellence and Innovation in VIP aviation.”

2014-03-Comlux-announces-major-organizational-changes-in-Comlux-America-700x420Source: Comlux

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