At CEPA Expo 2014 Doug Carr, NBAA’s vice president of regulatory and international affairs, gave an excellent presentation on the current trends in business aviation safety. Carr presented several tools for business aircraft operators, including the recently published Flight Safety Foundation Duty/ Rest Guidelines for Business Aviation and the new NBAA Training Management Systems tool. NBAA partnered with the Flight Safety Foundation to update the Duty/Rest Guidelines for Business Aviation in an effort to address the 24-hour-a-day needs of business aviation while considering current research in fatigue science and human physiology. Carr advised that implementing the concepts highlighted in the guidelines document can help flight departments meet the needs of their customers while alleviating the risk of fatigue.
Carr also illustrated how the NBAA Training Management Systems tool uses data from business aircraft operators to tailor training events to meet current trends. The concepts presented in the Flight Safety FoundationDuty/Rest Guidelines for Business Aviation and the NBAA Training Management Systems tool universally apply to all business aircraft operators advised Carr. CEPA EXPO attendees learnt how to implement these ideas in their own flight departments.”
Carr also shared tips for developing a positive safety culture within flight departments, including guidance on how
including culture in an organisation’s goals can help leaders foster a positive safety culture.
Doug Carr is NBAA’s vice president of safety, security, operations & regulation. He is responsible for leading the Association’s efforts on business aviation safety and security and oversees NBAA regulatory activity regarding business aircraft equipment mandates, operations and security. Carr is a commercial, multi-engine, instrument rated pilot and a certificated flight instructor.
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