New Award to Honor the Elite of Business Aviation


antonia_lukacinova 2The Sapphire Pegasus Business Aviation Award is a new creation to recognize and honor the elite of business aviation performers. The Awards are presented for outstanding performances by companies and individuals in twelve different categories which will ensure that most aspects of Business Aviation will find recognition.

The nomination procedure for the Sapphire Pegasus Award is completely open; anyone can nominate a company or individual of which they feel that recognition and honoring is appropriate. Companies or individuals are allowed to nominate themselves. After all, a panel of impartial judges will determine which contender represents the most outstanding performance in a category.

I myself have been part of business aviation developments over a significant period of time and was able to monitor how outstanding performances evolved and excellent results were achieved,” says Antonia Lukacinova( Tomkova), initiator of the Sapphire Pegasus Award and CEO of Media Tribune marketing and PR Agency. “I felt that the creation of an original award was appropriate. I now urge people to take immediate action by submitting their nominations, and use the opportunity to ensure that the most excellent performing companies and individuals become potential award winners.

Nominations can be submitted online at the website by filling out a simple nomination form. The closing date for nominations is the 13th of March. The nominations will be reviewed by an Advisory Board of Business Aviation industry professionals and journalists. This panel of judges will have the final word in the selection of the Sapphire Pegasus Award winners. The Award winners will be announced and honored during the Sapphire Pegasus Gala Dinner on April 8, 2016 at the Boscolo Luxury Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic.

The conception of the award, as well as the organization of the event is done by Media Tribune marketing and PR agency in Prague. The Sapphire Pegasus will be created in hours of handmade work by the glass masters of the famous the Czech company Moser. Moser Bohemian crystal is worldwide unrivalled same as the glassworks itself and its designers.




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