Online Training – When Does It Become Handy For You?

Living in the age of technologies it became only natural to solve your daily tasks using computers, tablets and mobile phones. With the help of the technology, things that used to ‘eat’ your time started to be managed in a few minutes: like paying your bills, sending mail, taking care of your dinner and many, many more. Education, at this point, is not an exception. Not only we use digital gadgets for easier learning, sometimes we even replace teachers with it – that is exactly how online training worked its way into our lives. But what actually does online training means? How it can be used in aviation training and when can it be useful for YOU?

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Online training: how it works?

The simplest way to understand what is online training is to imagine that all the information that would be introduced by the teacher/instructor would be transformed to digital version using, video and audio recordings, pictures, slides, animation or other media tools. Most likely, the first question appearing in your head is what kind of aviation training could be done online? Well, basically any theoretical training can be done online, whether it is pilot, cabin crew, ground handling training, various additional training as first aid or dangerous goods and many more. This holds true for as long as the course doesn’t require any practical training.

Why it’s worth it

First of all, online training doesn’t require hiring the instructor, nor it needs a class to be conducted which means that online training provider has fewer expenses creating this product. It means such service will be cheaper for you to get. Also, you will save not only on the training itself, but on the travel expenses or additional time. Learning online gives you a luxury of mobility and flexibility to learn where ever you get the internet connection, at whatever time you want. Also you can take it at your own pace, which is important especially if you have a job, family or other responsibilities. At this point online training may be a real ‘life saver’ when acquiring some kind of license or qualification. Also, it would really help you to prepare for an airline interview, or simply renew your knowledge, since there is a possibility to purchase very specific topic courses. However, if you are not ‘self study’ student and you need someone to monitor your progress, you should choose traditional training in class.

Online training in corporate background

Online training topic isn’t only relevant for self sponsored pilots, but corporate companies too. If you are a working pilot, most probably your airline will have a partner for the crew training. The only question is whether this partner is for class training or online training. Having account with online training provider allows airlines to do all the mandatory crew training in more efficient way. It is important for the flying pilot to keep his mobility and flexibility while running through the courses at available times, without sitting in one classroom with the whole group. This way airline is able to cut on expenses in both course price and time efficiency ways.

When talking about the time resources, the most important thing while choosing the online training provider becomes the quality of eLearning Management System. With the smart and efficiently designed system, the e-learning becomes a great tool which lets to cut back on additional staff for crew training, and we are not even talking about the instructors, but administration and technical team in charge of the training procedures. In addition to that, depending on the online training provider, companies can get training packages fully meeting its needs and standards because of the customized content.

The question is – have you already optimized the training using online courses for yourself and your crews?

Source: BAA Training

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