The construction of the airport terminal will start later this year in line with the current project. This and also other items were agreed during the joint meeting of the Pardubice Region and City of Pardubice councils. The result of this meeting is joint statement of seven points.
„The main conclusions are clear: neither side challenges the construction of the terminal. If everything goes according to the plan, the construction as such shall start in the second quarter of the year 2016. Its implementation corresponds to a schedule that is based on the tender documents of the already announced tender. Within two years, the building could be finished and serve the public“, said the governor Martin Netolický. „We, as the Pardubice Region have decided to finance our share from the budget of the Region. Thanks to good financial conditions that we currently have, we can allocate 30 million crowns (about 1 110 000 EUR) for the construction of the terminal this year. We have also agreed on the need to clarify a number of conditions in relation to Promissory Notes programme, which will be received by the City of Pardubice. This is a pledge claim issue”, stated the Governor Netolický.
Ownership ratio of the City and Region in the company East Bohemian Airport (EBA) will be preserved. One of the condition is also having independent review of the project, which will be based on current building permit. It will complement opponency of the project carried out in 2015 and will cover the applied technologies and energy aspects of the project. The result will be discussed at the Council of the Pardubice Region and the City of Pardubice.
„I have very good feeling from the result of today’s meeting. Declared future steps will move us, meaning both shareholders, from the planning to execution. The upcoming planned process is the guarantee of good financial performance”, said the Lord Mayor of Pardubice Martin Charvát. “I am an optimist, so I believe that after today’s meeting of both councils we can expect that the construction of the terminal will start in the first half of the year”, added Lord Mayor Charvát.
„As the executive director I am very pleased by today’s guarantee of the next process and steps by both shareholders. When taking up the post I was assigned two main tasks by the board of directors – building new terminal and starting business. Without terminal the business will not move forward and thanks to the success of today’s meeting I am again a bit closer to fulfilling the assignments”, said Director of EBA Hana Šmejkalová.
Representatives of both councils also heard a presentation by management of EBA. The Director Hana Šmejkalová introduced her new management team and also the business plan and activities which are and will be developed within the airport strategy, including not only the civil aviation and passenger traffic, cargo but also other segments of aviation. Regional and municipal councillors agreed, that they have met with professional managerial leadership approach, which focus on all segments of air travel industry for the first time in the existence of EBA.
Source: Pardubice Airport
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