At the meeting held on 27 June 2016, the supervisory board of Tallinn Airport appointed Piret Mürk-Dubout the company’s new CEO. She will start in the new position on 29 August. The employment contract with the new chief executive was entered into for five years.
The chairman of the Tallinn Airport supervisory board Margus Puust said the board is very pleased that Piret, a senior manager with international experience, decided to accept the challenge of managing one of the most important gates to Estonia. “Tallinn Airport is already working on extensive development plans and building projects, so it’s important to have the company managed by someone energetic and enthusiastic during this tense period,” said Puust. “Fortunately for us, Piret made the decision to connect her life and work with Estonia, and I believe that this is beneficial for the Estonian economy as a whole, not just Tallinn Airport.”
Piret Mürk-Dubout said that she feels extremely positive about her cooperation with an organisation as professional as Tallinn Airport. “The company’s development plans are set and major investments require skilful management, but I also believe that my prior international work experience will definitely create many opportunities for the development of the airport in different directions,” she added.
Piret Mürk-Dubout studied law and journalism at the University of Tartu and international business administration at the Estonian Business School. She has previously held high positions in the Eesti Telekom Group in Estonia and abroad.
Source Tallinn Airport
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