Discussions about a pilot shortage in the future have started a long time ago. However, none of the actions have been taken ever since. The economic crisis disrupted the markets of the world in 2008; hence causing an international panic. Consequences were not in favor of aviation enthusiasts. It is not a secret that the aviation industry experiences ups and downs all the time. Cadet programs were closed because of the economic collapse subsequently reducing the expectations and making wrong impressions that a need for pilots in the aviation sector will go down in the nearest future.
Aviation is an exceptional industry with its own tendencies whereby natural economic rules do not necessarily fit. The demand for pilots not only stayed at the highest level, in fact, it even grew and is expected to rise more in the future! A number of travelers has been increasing for the last fifteen years. According to the World Bank, it more than doubled in 2015 and reached 3,441 billion passengers in Europe only. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports that future perspectives suggest a further increase and a number of the air passengers might even reach up to 7 billion until 2034. In other words, there has come a time when predictions about the shortage are becoming a reality. According to the research carried out by Boeing, concerning new aircraft orders, the world is going to be in the need of around a half million additional pilots holding a commercial license until the year 2034. Particularly Airlines in Europe are expected to create approximately 100.000 additional jobs in a cockpit.
Even stable companies release their statements about the problem caused due to this issue. Republic Airways blames a pilot shortage for the bankruptcy; to be precise a lot of working pilots are at the age of retirement. Regional Airlines Association in the United States announced in their yearly message of 2015 that another reason which forces airlines to cancel flights to various destinations and reduce the fleet is also considered to be the lack of professionals’. Coming back to Europe, Austrian Airlines had to cut 150 flights in June because of the pilots’ deficit.
It is not surprising that airlines tend to revive cadet programs in order to create a trustworthy pool of future employees. The Cadet program is not only a solution for an airline but also a good opportunity for a future pilot to get a license and secure the work seat for the future. Although companies are still looking for experience and hours on the logbook, at the same time they are employing and less experienced pilots, too. Having this in mind, pilot’s profession becomes not only prestigious but also ensures a job and a stable future.
As has been noted, there are many opinions towards this issue; however, a reality hits by forecasting the shortage in the future. The number of airplanes’ orders remains at a heights consequently creating a demand for those who can operate them. At the final point, the winners are perspective people who jump into this gap at the right time. Any experienced pilot would agree that the wave is coming and it is crucial to catch it.
Source: BAA Training
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