On May 29-30, at the Military Aviation Plant No. 2 (WLZ-2) in Bydgoszcz was held an Air Fair 2015 exhibition. This year’s 9th edition was organized under the slogan “Modernity and Safety”.
This year 114 exhibitors including PZL Mielec presented their technologies and equipment. At the PZL Mielec stand the company promoted its products, in particular M28 Bryza aircraft. The attention of visitors attracted a M28 model made in 1:20 scale presented on the stand. During the first day of the exhibition, devoted to business issues, PZL Mielec stand were visited, by gen. Lech Majewski, General Commander of the Armed Forces, representatives of the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate and the Polish Border Guard.
Air Fair exhibition is an unique on a national scale aviation exhibition that attracts industry representatives, centers and research institutions, universities and thousands of aviation enthusiasts from the Polish and the world. Exhibition creates the opportunity to learn about the latest technology, facilitate the exchange of experiences between producers, manufacturers and users of aircraft and aviation equipment, both military and civilian. This year’s event was accompanied by a symposium on modernity and safety in aviation.
Among the guests who visited the exhibition were representatives of the Ministry of Defence, General Staff and Armed Forces Support Inspectorate, Civil Aviation Authority, as well as Minister of the Interior Teresa Piotrowska, MPs and local authorities.
Traditionally, on the second day of the exhibition gates to the WZL No. 2 were opened for the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz region.
Source: PZL Mielec
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