Riga International Airport has accomplished the EU Cohesion Fund co-financed project “Riga International Airport Infrastructure Development”, in the framework of which the last two years have seen significant infrastructure reconstruction works at the airport. The works have resulted in improved flight safety, better environmental conditions and increased aerodrome capacity.
“As a result of the reconstruction of the aerodrome infrastructure, we can provide safer and better quality services to airlines and passengers, boosting the competitiveness of the airport in the region,” said Andris Liepiņš, chairman of the board of Riga International Airport.
Under the project, the following works have been accomplished – renovation of the runway pavement surface, strengthening of the runway strip, construction of two new taxiways, reconstruction of the aerodrome lighting system according to CAT II standards, reconstruction of Aprons 1, 2 and 3, construction of two anti-icing treatment pads, a storm water removal and aerodrome drainage system, building of a hangar for washing vehicles and a hangar for collection of waste, simple renovation of taxiways C and G, building of a new firefighting depot, purchase of security equipment and a specialised aviation rescue and firefighting vehicle.
• In the result of the project implementation, in the year 2015, not a single flight was diverted from Riga Airport due to unfavourable weather conditions.
• According to the airport estimates, the greenhouse gas emissions of the arriving aircraft in 2015 were reduced by more than 700 tonnes (in comparison, in 2014 total emissions reached 5114 tonnes).
• The volume of unsorted waste per passenger was decreased by 46%.
It should be reminded that the Cohesion Fund project was the most ambitious aerodrome infrastructure reconstruction project since 1974, when the present airport of Riga was put into operation. The construction works were performed in the working aerodrome and continued round the clock.
The construction works were carried out by the following companies: PS “FCC, Hochtief un ACB”, SIA „Binders”, SIA „Merks”, PS “ACB&STRABAG”.
Construction inspection was provided by SIA “Provia”, SIA “P.M.G.” and SIA “Būvju profesionālā uzraudzība”.
The construction projects were developed by PS „NAMS/COWI Latvia/ Aviaplan”, AAC Aviation&Airport Consult GmbH, SIA “Provia”, SIA Inženieru birojs “Būve un Forma”.
The project implementation took place in the period from 4 August 2010 until 31 December 2015.
Total attributable project costs amount to EUR 93 026 375.55, including the Cohesion Fund financing of EUR 57 711 137.11, the state budget funding of EUR 11 594 671.74 and Riga International Airport financing of EUR 23 720 566.70.
Source: Riga Airport
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