Riga International Airport VIP Center to Host the IV Baltic Business Aviation Forum

Konferencu_zaleOn August the 6th, the IV Baltic Business Aviation Forum will take place in Latvia. The industry professionals will again discuss actual questions of business aviation. The plenary session will take place at Riga International Airport VIP Center. After that the forum participants will be invited to a tour around the airport during which they will have a chance to see existing and constructed airport infrastructure objects.

Arutrs Kokars, Airport Development Director, is sure, that the event will be successful. “We are happy to again, like last year, to open our doors for the guests of Baltic Business Aviation Forum, organized by the Russian United Business Aviation Association. For us it is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate possibilities and readiness of the airport to serve passengers of the highest level, including business aviation, as well as provide storage and handling of aircraft. We are impatient to meet the guest already in few days!”

Riga International Airport VIP Center along with handling regular flights and passengers during the first six month of 2015 professionally and on a top level served Latvia guests who arrived in conjunction with Latvian EU Presidency. A real quality test for Riga Airport VIP Center was the Eastern Partnership Summit, and the exam was passed excellently. During the first six month of 2015 VIP Center served around 5 000 Presidency participants and around 200 aircraft, bringing a total number of VIP Center passengers to 11 000 person.

VIP Center service was highly evaluated by Authorities of Latvia and the European Union and it can be proudly stated that Riga Airport VIP Center keeps high quality and perfect professionalism level working with high volumes of passengers and flights.

Uzg_telpaVIP Center offers individual and professional service in cozy, comfortable rooms with a wide range of service independently from airline the passenger flies.

Besides standard service – Classical, Express, client cards and meeting and conference rooms rent, Riga VIP Center offers additional services for a perfect reception and support of its clients. In recently renovated building there are equipped smoking rooms and significantly improved conditions for security control. There was opened a duty free shop ATU Duty Free, located at the non-schengen area, where passengers can buy exquisite alcohol drinks, parfumes and cosmetics, trend accessories, tobacco and exclusive mobile phones.

Right in front of the VIP Center there is the first apron, which reconstruction is planned to be accomplished in the beginning of August 2015. On the reconstructed apron there will be all necessary conditions for effective, quick and quality complex handling of private jets and delivery of passengers and crews to VIP Center. Each client who uses VIP Center service can choose the most advantageous number of services.

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