RUBAA Announces Baltic Business Aviation Forum IV

The 4th Baltic Business Aviation Forum will be held on August 6-7, 2015 in Jurmala, Latvia. The Forum gathers business aviation professionals to discuss the latest industry trends and challenges, and to share expertise and best practices.

Development, trends and opportunities of Business Aviation, in particular in the Baltic Region, will be emphasized in the Forum. The conference agenda includes presentations and discussions on some of the most vital issues including aircraft finance and insurance, maintenance, economics of aircraft operation and fleet management, standards for operators and executive handling, as well infrastructure development. It will provide updates on the latest industry advances. The conference will have a line-up of highly qualified International speakers and moderators. Simultaneous Russian-English translation is provided.


Besides the professional business sessions, the Forum will offer ample occasions for networking and socializing. In the evening of the first conference day, delegates and guests are invited to a special evening event in a chalet right on the beach of the Riga Bay. A sightseeing tour to the city of Riga is on the recreational agenda of day two. The Forum’s venue is a foremost resort overlooking the Riga Bay.  August is the prime month of the summer season to enjoy the Baltic Sea shores.


During the years of organizing the Forum, we have created an event aiming to resolve business questions and to spend private time in the company of friends and partners with a unique atmosphere,” added Anna Serejkina, RUBAA Executive Director and Member of the Board. “We look forward to seeing all the participants from the previous years, as well as many new others in August in Jurmala. We are putting a lot of effort into making the event interesting and effective for everyone”.

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