Russian Helicopters signed a number of contracts to supply seven Ka-32A11BC and two Mi-171 helicopters to China.
The Fire Department of the Department of Public Safety, Qingdao, China, will receive two Ka-31A11BC helicopters in firefighting version in 2016. Four more multirole Ka-32A11BCs will be supplied to Chinese company Jiangsu Baoli with two rotorcrafts scheduled to be delivered in 2016 and another two in 2017. One Ka-32A11BC will be shipped to Easy Best Group. And China General Aviation Service will receive two multirole Mi-171s this year.
“China is one of the biggest operators of Russian helicopters, and Chinese companies are traditional and important strategic partners of our holding company in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Russian Helicopters CEO Alexander Mikheev. “Our multirole helicopters can perform any task in various climates and weather conditions.”
Previously, Russian Helicopters supplied 11 Ka-32s to Chinese customers. Three helicopters were delivered in 2015. The Ka-32A11BC helicopter is ideally suited for highly urbanized cities of China and its specific climates. This type of helicopter can operate efficiently in dense urban areas, difficult to access mountainous and forested regions, and can also land on small vessels, drilling platforms, and on unprepared, hard to access sites.
While working in the fire front in adverse weather conditions, the coaxial scheme of the Ka-32A11BC possesses a number of significant advantages in terms of stabilization and maneuverability. The helicopter boasts over 40 different equipment options. Among them are the Bambi-Bucket and Simplex systems, water cannons for horizontal firefighting, folding transport and lifesaving elevating cabins, and other equipment. The helicopter can also be effectively used for transporting cargo on an external sling or as a crane while installing complex high-rise constructions.
According to experts, the Ka-32A11BC helicopter is one of the best rescue and firefighting helicopters in the world. In 2012, it was the Ka-32A11BC which dealt with the fire that started on the 66-67th floors of the Moscow Federation Tower (Moscow-City), one of the tallest buildings in Europe and in Russia. The helicopter operated at 270 meters and successfully extinguished the fire.
The helicopter fleet in China exceeds 400 rotorcrafts. In June 2014, Russian Helicopters finished the delivery of 84 Mi-171E helicopters with VK-2500 engines to Poly Technologies company of China.
Source: Russian Helicopters
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