Sheremetyevo Airport is a Global Leader by Flight Punctuality in 2014

Sheremetyevo Airport came second in the global airports flight punctuality rating of 2014, providing for the on-time handling of 89.8% flights on arrival (among airports with departing passenger traffic of 10-20 mln people per year). The rating was performed by the competent international analytic branch agency OAG.

TOP-5 Most Punctual (Group 2 — global airports with average passenger flow): 1 Osaka ITM 93.2%, 2 Moscow Sheremetyevo SVO 89.8%, 3 Copenhagen CPH 89.8%, 4 Salt Lake City SLC 88.2%, 5 Vienna VIE 88.0%.

Sheremetyevo is the only airport in Russia to make the recognized rating of the most punctual global airports. It should be pointed out that the environmental conditions in which Sheremetyevo operates are more severe that those of the airports heading the list. This is a sign of high professionalism, the commitment of Airport staff, up-to-date plant and equipment at airport subdivisions and, significantly, airfield service.

Sheremetyevo consistently provides high-quality passenger service and on-time departures and arrivals in all weather conditions. The high-tech Airport Control Center, unique in Russia, makes it possible to control online systems performance while coordinating operational departments’ performance, passenger service and aircraft handling processes, which is particularly important during peak hours and adverse weather.

As you may recall, during the New Year’s holiday season, when it was snowing heavily, Sheremetyevo not only provided flight performance in accordance with the flight plan, but also accepted as an alternate airport a lot of aircrafts that couldn’t land at other airports of the Moscow airport hub.

Source: Sheremetyevo Airport

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