Sheremetyevo International Airport has recently announced the statistics of its operational activity in February 2015. The number of passengers served since the start of the year increased by 1.1% against the same period of 2014, reaching a total of 4,110,000 passengers.
Passenger traffic on international airlines in January-February 2015 lowered by 3.5 %, totaling 2 million 342 thousand passengers, and on domestic airlines increased by 8 %, totaling 1 million 768 thousand passengers.
According to figures for February 2015, passenger traffic at Sheremetyevo Airport lowered by 0.3 %, totaling 1 million 967 thousand passengers. Moreover, passenger traffic on international airlines in February lowered by 2.4 %, totaling 1 million 096 thousand passengers, and on domestic airlines increased by 2.6 %, reaching 870 thousand passengers.
Paris, Bangkok, Prague, Beijing, New-York, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Kiev, Tel Aviv, Rome, and Istanbul were among the most popular foreign destinations, while St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Simferopol, Rostov-On-Don, Samara, Mineralnye Vody, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and Kazan being the most sought-after domestic destinations.
The main airlines showing growth in passenger traffic in the January — February were Aeroflot, Nordwind Airlines, Donavia, AirFrance and Nordavia-RA.
In January — February 2015 year Sheremetyevo Airport supported the execution of 39,036 take-off and landing operations, which is 1.6% more compared with the same period in 2014. In February, the airport’s volume of takeoff and landing operations grew by 0.9 %, reaching 18,394 operations.
Source: Sheremetyevo Airport
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