Riga International Airport, in the framework of the EU Cohesion Fund project “Infrastructure Development of Riga International Airport”, over the last two years has accomplished huge reconstruction works of its infrastructure objects. They have resulted in better flight safety, improved environment conditions and increased capacity of the aerodrome.
“We have made significant investments in the reconstruction of the aerodrome infrastructure that may not be noticeable to the passengers yet are very important for the flight safety. For example, one of the project gains is increased flight safety in adverse weather conditions, meaning that flights will not be necessarily diverted to other airports due to fog,” said Andris Liepiņš, Chairman of the Board of Riga International Airport, “Simultaneously, we carry on the modernisation works of the airport terminal, the results of which the passengers will appreciate already this year.”
“The EU fund project „ Infrastructure development of Riga International Airport” is not only one of the largest projects in the transport sector implemented with the support of the Cohesion Fund in the planning period of 2007 – 2013, but also the most ambitious project in the history of the airport operations. The project is crucial for the economy of Latvia as the air transport has a significant influence on the country’s economic development and the growth of GDP, which in turn impacts the results of other industries,” said Kaspars Ozoliņš, State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport.
The biggest share of construction works in the project was accomplished by the general partnership FCC, Hochtief and A.C.B.
“It must be admitted that the construction team in this project required maximum focussing and combination of all our skills. We are proud for the opportunity to take part in the implementation of this project of national significance – the most complex and large-scale infrastructure project carried out lately in Latvia,” said Dzintars Pomers, the experienced construction expert, representative of the general partnership FCC, Hochtief and A.C.B.
In 2013 and 2014, major project tasks were accomplished: renovation of the runway pavement, strengthening of the runway strip, construction of additional taxiways E and D, installation of Category II lighting system, reconstruction of Aprons 2 and 3, building of two aircraft anti-icing platforms and construction of the aerodrome drainage system, a new vehicle washing hangar and a waste collection hangar, simple renovation of taxiways C and G and construction of a new firefighting depot.
It should be reminded that the Cohesion Fund co-financed project is the largest project implemented since the year 1974 when Riga Airport was put into operation. Notably, the construction works were carried out on the operating aerodrome and continued round the clock.
The construction works in the abovementioned objects were started on 2 May 2013 and performed by FCC, Hochtief un ACB, SIA „Binders”, and SIA „Merks”.
SIA “Pro Via” and SIA “P.M.G.” provided the construction inspection services.
Technical design was developed by the general partnership NAMS/COWI Latvia/Aviaplan, AAC Aviation&Airport Consult GmbH, SIA “Pro Via”, SIA Inženieru birojs “Būve un Forma”.
– Apron No 1
The concrete pavement of Apron No 1 in the course of its exploitation has cracked, its upper layer crumbled in many places, the joints between the monolith concrete plates are damaged. The concrete pavement will be fully reconstructed, retaining the current number of aircraft stands.
– Specialized Machinery and Equipment
It is planned to purchase a specialized aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle and equipment for security activities.
The directly attributable costs of the project amount to EUR 94 266 717.13, including the Cohesion Fund financing of EUR 58 500 000.00, state budget funding of EUR 11 747 011.97 and the funds of SJSC Riga International Airport of EUR 24 019 705.16.
Source: Riga Airport
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