Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica, better known as Embraer (ERJ), is Brazil’s largest aerospace company. Embraer has delivered more than 5 thousand commercial aircraft around the world so far. This type of aircraft also operates in the following four major business segments: commercial aviation, defense and security, executive jets, and...

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There is no doubt that the modern world is connected by a wide range of devices. Talking about the future, all the forecasts concerning the idea of the connection of different things to the Internet in the coming years are truly spectacular. The analysts from Gartner hold the belief that by 2020 there will be over 50 billion connected devices....

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By the early 1990s, it became clear that the new Airbus A320 was a serious threat to the Boeing’s market share as Airbus have won previously loyal 737 customers such as Lufthansa and United Airlines. In 1993, Boeing’s board of directors authorized the Next Generation program to replace the 737 Classic series. While the whole world is...

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BAA Training has been providing Airbus A320 Type Rating teaching in Vilnius (Lithuania) for over 5 years now, and uses every opportunity that arises to enrich pilots’ exercises equipment and experience. BAA Training decided to cooperate with ECA Group which is able to offer TST compliant with FAA Level and EASA FSTD A Level 1 standards. ECA...

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You have a long flight and you begin to feel bored. The entertainment options on board don’t look interesting. The person sitting next to you speaks just his mother language and he doesn’t understand what you are trying to say. We have good news! All problems have the solution! When you don’t know what to do during your flight try to follow...

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The global aviation training provider BAA Training has received an official Supplier Acceptance Certificate from Vietnam Airlines. The certificate empowers BAA Training to operate as an Accepted Flight Training Organization by providing airplane training for Private Pilot License, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot License, and Airlines Transport...

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Unmanned aircraft fever is one the biggest phenomenon today. Starting with a civil sector and the UAVs usage for personal purposes to the huge military industry where drones play a tremendous role lately. The scope of the spreading fever is evidently changing not only our daily lives, different business fields, but also the landscape of the...

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While writing so many articles we have focused on piloting skills: its building, improvement, sustainability, expansion and many more things. But we have rarely ever written about the pilot communication, its importance for safety and how young student-pilots go about learning the correct form of communication between other pilots and Air...

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First rays of sun and clear skies are indicators of the start of the flight season in many aviation training academies. BAA Training’s students began to fly in early March, but on May 21st academy is marking an official opening of the summer season by hosting an Open Door Day at the aerodrome. Open Door Days have become popular and...

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For a number of professions, particular time of the year is a little bit more important than others in regards to the job search and hiring. Let’s say for teachers, summer is that season when they look for new jobs. Other professions like construction workers, cabin crew, or anything related to agriculture are focused on the job search in the...

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Global aviation training provider BAA Training recently expanded its service capabilities in Asia. Since April of 2016, the company started providing full package Airbus 320 and Boeing 737 NG pilot type rating training service at the training center in Singapore – BAA Training Singapore. Since taking the first steps into Asia Pacific market...

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If you're currently cosindering being a pilot , one or the other way, probably the most magical question that you keep asking yourself is how I can fund my pilot license studies? And you are not the only one who wonders about it. So how did aviation world arrive to the point of the pricy education, airlines ignorance and how is the industry...

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Aviation industry keeps developing and every pilot training centre must offer the new education solutions for those wishing to become commercial pilots. Lately, dual study programs and professions have increased in popularity from demand and supply side. Flight training schools are offering students opportunities to match flight training courses...

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_baa training Online-training-when-it-comes-in-handy-for-you

Living in the age of technologies it became only natural to solve your daily tasks using computers, tablets and mobile phones. With the help of the technology, things that used to ‘eat’ your time started to be managed in a few minutes: like paying your bills, sending mail, taking care of your dinner and many, many more. Education, at this...

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Global aviation training provider, BAA Training, doubled its clients’ pool from Asia region during the year 2015. Through successfully expanded training capabilities and solutions more Asian aviation market companies find BAA Training to be a reliable partner. In 2015 BAA Training added twelve new companies as its clients by providing various...

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