Tallinn Airport Air Traffic Area Procurement Won by Lemminkäinen Eesti

tallinn airport 3In September, Tallinn Airport announced a public procurement project for the construction work in the Tallinn air traffic area; today they will conclude the construction contract with Lemminkäinen Eesti.

In accordance with the agreement, the cost of the construction will be 34.6 million euros, half of which will be covered by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union. Preparation for the construction work begins in April this year, and the work must be completed by the end of 2017.

Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Kristen Michal, who approved the funding decision in the name of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, says that although modernization and expansion of the terminal building has brought significant recognition to Tallinn Airport in recent years, it still needs a new runway along with other support systems for smooth functioning. “A thorough reconstruction of the runway and renewal of the support systems is a prerequisite for the continual growth of an airport that offers services to more than two million passengers a year. An additional advantage is that new solutions are also significantly more environmentally friendly,” noted Michal.

Tallinn Airport board member Einar Bambus says that it is the most complex construction project in recent history. “We have to be ready with the construction work by the anniversary of our Republic and by the European Union Presidency; at the same time, we must ensure flight safety at all times in cooperation with the builder, and take care of the functioning of air connections with the rest of the world,” noted Bambus. “We believe that the best offer won the procurement and know that the Lemminkäinen group is simultaneously working on the expansion work of Vantaa Airport; therefore we trust the builder’s skills when dealing with complex building conditions caused by the specifics of the airport,” added Bambus.

Within the framework of the project, the 20-year-old covering structure of the existing runway will be reconstructed, the runway expanded and the taxiways and aircraft platform area system improved. With the project, the current airport lighting system will be replaced by energy and environmentally friendly systems, and higher-category approach light and navigation systems will be installed.

The aim of the development project is to raise the flight safety level at Tallinn Airport, enhance the environmental sustainability and efficiency of the management of the airport, and alleviate the adverse impact of the airport infrastructure to the environment through improving the environmental status of the Airport.

To improve the environmental status of Tallinn Airport, an additional de-icing area will be built on the east side of the airport, environmentally compliant snow melting sites will be constructed, and melted snow discharge and monitoring systems and a proper engine testing area will be built.

Source: Tallinn Airport

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